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Barbara & Corrie Burt

Although between us we have bought and sold more than 30 properties over the years, selling the home our family lived in and loved for over 20 years brought a new twist to the selling process. We needed an agent who not only appreciated the emotional attachment we had to our home but could give us an unemotional, fact-based evaluation based on market conditions.

We interviewed Josie and Valérie initially because of their dominance of our local market and positive reviews and results. Over the months following and before we went to market, they never pressured us to sign with them but kept in touch, letting us know how the market conditions were evolving. We decided to go with Josie and Valérie and agreed to heed their advice on pricing, staging, and timing.

When we finally decided to sell, they set a target date and a list price to go on MLS. In the meantime, their team helped us prepare the house for market in a gentle and respectful manner. Their advice to us to move out of the house the six days it was on the market was excellent. We didn't have to get out constantly nor watch people marching through our home. Their marketing strategy attracted large numbers of interested parties, both local and international. Their presence on social media is strong.
Although we were priced at $2,279,000 and thought a smaller pool of buyers would be available than for say a $1,000,000 home, Josie and Valérie were able to attract six good offers to the table. Of the six, we accepted an offer of $2,811,000. Obviously, we were thrilled. Start to finish: six days.
We whole heartedly recommend Josie and Valérie as serious, honest, hardworking, well connected Toronto agents who get the job done.