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Rebecca & Brandon

When we decided we wanted to take the next step, and move out of the apartment Brandon had been living in for 6 years, we were nervous. Tamar made the process so easy. She took every question we had, and explained it thoroughly. Whenever we needed time, or more information, she was right there to help us through it. She was patient, and took the time to really look for everything we wanted – she even found some things we didn’t know we wanted! After several months, when covid hit, we thought our search would become even more difficult. But Tamar still found us listings, still communicated with us daily, and kept us hopeful. And then, about 6 months into our search in June, with us both feeling exhausted and dragged down with the daily global news, Tamar took us into what would one day be our first home together. Through the whole process Tamar was supportive, patient, and always thoughtful about our needs. We want to thank her and the rest of her team for being so helpful and kind, and making this process as smooth as it could have been.