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Our Community

#ShopLocal2Win Contests #StClairWest


We are so excited to be the exclusive sponsors of an incredible, six-week-long series of contests supporting local businesses in Hillcrest Village and Corso Italia, both on St. Clair West!  We love supporting our Community and these contests mean you can win $500 yourself, just for doing the same and ensuring you #ShopLocal.

Each week, with a purchase of $25 or more at participating businesses, one may enter the contest to win $500.  In Hillcrest Village, the business you supported with your winning entry, will also receive $250 and Wychwood Open Door drop-in at The Stop Community Food Centre will also receive $250.  In Corso Italia, if you enter three times or more,  you are also eligible to win a $1000 Grand Prize and $500 goes to our favourite Corso Italia business.

Click on either link below to learn more, see draw dates and the boundary maps for each contest.



Here are some recent winners!