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Diana Fischer

For the last 9 years I have followed Josie Stern at many of her open houses in the area, and as time went by, I realized she was a highly professional REALTOR®. The way she marketed and presented her sellers’ homes was masterful, and I knew that when the time came to sell my house I didn’t need to look further for the very best person to handle the sale of my own property.

She sold my daughter’s condo before my house and, even though it wasn’t a high-end property, she went the extra mile to make sure my daughter got the best price in the least amount of time. The time frame for having one’s property on the market is also important as leaving it on for months is one of the most stressful ventures of any one’s life.

Most sellers either want to buy a new home or they are leaving the country. How terrible to be in limbo for months! Not only do Josie and Valérie get the right price for one’s property but they do it as fast as anyone in the real estate field. She sold my daughter’s condo in five days and my large Victorian in 6. Both properties were entirely different and at both ends of the spectrum, but she handled both with just as much effort and skill. I have witnessed her listings going faster and for more money than any other single REALTOR®.
Josie and Valérie have skills and expertise in this field that would be hard to find in any other REALTOR®. I would highly recommend Josie and Valérie. If a seller listened carefully to their advice and allowed them to do their job, everyone involved would do very well.
The key to success is to listen to professionals like Josie and Valérie who have years of experience and have about six or seven listings a month year in and year out. Josie and Valérie know their stuff inside out, and one should follow closely what they recommend. Working with them was truly fantastic and I highly recommend them. They are truly gifted in their line of business and work incredibly hard. I have to say, I am one of their greatest fans!!!