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Personal Consultation

Before we start the search for your dream home, we will sit down for a personal consultation in order to get a clear picture of your homeownership goals and needs.

It Starts with Listening

As we state in “Our Guarantee”, for us it all starts with listening. Being a good listener helps us see the world through your eyes and put ourselves in your shoes. It is only by doing this that we can provide you with sound options and customized solutions to your real estate needs.

Discussing Your Options

This consultation session will be very productive as we discuss your options and narrow your choices in order not to waste your valuable time looking at homes that don’t conform to your requirements. We will discuss your wish list and differentiate “need” versus “want”. We will discuss neighbourhood choices, establish your budget, discuss your criteria, negotiation strategies, set up a mortgage pre-approval, and review the entire buying process.

Should You Buy or Sell First?

One of the key issues we will address is the dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first. It’s always risky to buy before you sell your own property, but on the other hand, it can be very inconvenient to have to rent temporarily while still searching for your home. That’s why we will help you choose the best option, including coordinating the closing dates and setting the conditions that work best for the planned move.

Reviewing the Agreement

We will review the Buyer Representation Agreement which will give us the authority to act as your agents to ensure you are fully represented during the buying process.

Our objective is to make you feel the purchase of your new home is in the most capable hands and to nurture an experience worth talking about.

See what our trusted team can do for you.

Complete the form here or call us at 416-568-0001 to get started.

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Buying With Us

When dealing with buyers we implement unique and powerful strategies for you to come out the winner in this fast-paced real estate market. Every word we speak, every action we take, and every piece of advice we give will be influenced by our commitment to do what is best for you.